The fritzing fzp javascript library is for processing fritzing fzp xml data.
The Library can be used to load fzp's, parse and marshal to XML.
Install the npm package
npm install fritzing/fzp-js --save
or use yarn to install and add the dependency to your package.json
yarn add fritzing/fzp-js
Let's start with a simple szenario and load a fzp file and all svg's.
Documentation of the library can be found here
const {FZPUtils} = require('fzp-js')
const url = 'https://fritzing.github.io/fritzing-parts/core/LED-generic-3mm.fzp'
FZPUtils.loadFZP(url).then((fzp) => {
console.log('FZP', fzp);
// load the svg of the breadboard view
fzp.views.breadboard.loadSVG('foo').then((d) => {
console.log('SVG', d);
}).catch((err) => {
throw new Error(err)
}).catch((e) => {
throw new Error(err)
yarn install
make test
and lint your files before you commit
make lint
to build an es5 compatible version run
make build