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'use strict';

 * FZPConnectorView class
 * @example
 * const {FZPConnectorView} = require('fzp-js')
 * let connectorView = new FZPConnectorView({layer: 'sample', svgId: 'sample.svg'})
 * connectorView.legId = 'sample-leg'
 * connectorView.terminalId = 'sample-terminal'
class FZPConnectorView {
   * FZPConnectorView constructor
   * @param {Object} opt
  constructor(opt = {}) {
     * the FZP connector view layer
     * @type {String}
    this.layer = opt.layer || null;

     * the FZP connector view svg
     * @type {String}
    this.svgId = opt.svgId || null;

     * the FZP connector view leg
     * @type {String}
    this.legId = opt.legId || null;

     * the FZP connector view terminal
     * @type {String}
    this.terminalId = opt.terminalId || null;

   * @param {String} l
  setLayer(l) {
    this.layer = l;

   * @return {String}
  getLayer() {
    return this.layer;

   * @param {String} id
  setSvgId(id) {
    this.svgId = id;

   * @return {String}
  getSvgId() {
    return this.svgId;

   * @param {String} leg
  setLegId(leg) {
    this.legId = leg;

   * @return {String}
  getLegId() {
    return this.legId;

   * @param {String} term
  setTerminalId(term) {
    this.terminalId = term;

   * @return {String}
  getTerminalId() {
    return this.terminalId;

module.exports = FZPConnectorView;