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'use strict';

const xml2js = require('xml2js');
const parseXml = xml2js.parseString;
const FZP = require('./fzp/fzp');
const FZPConnector = require('./fzp/connector');
const FZPConnectorView = require('./fzp/connector-view');
const {FritzingPartsAPI, FritzingPartsAPIClient} = require('fritzing-parts-api-client-js');

 * Load a FZP file from the given URL.
 * @example
 * const {FZPUtils} = require('fzp-js')
 * FZPUtils.loadFZP('core/Arduino Nano3(fix).fzp')
 * .then((fzz) => {
 *   console.log(fzz.fz)
 * })
 * .catch((err) => {
 *   console.error(err)
 * })
 * @param {String} src
 * @param {String} url URL to the FZP file.
 * @return {Promise}
function loadFZP(src, url = FritzingPartsAPI) {
  return FritzingPartsAPIClient.getFzp(src, url)
  .then((fzp) => {
    // let tmp = parseFZP(fzp);
    // console.log(tmp);
    return parseFZP(fzp);

 * Load a FZP and all linked SVGs
 * @example
 * const {FZPUtils} = require('fzp-js')
 * FZPUtils.loadFZPandSVGs('core/Arduino Nano3(fix).fzp')
 * .then((fzz) => {
 *   console.log(fzz)
 * })
 * .catch((err) => {
 *   console.error(err)
 * })
 * @param {String} src
 * @param {String} url URL to the FZP file.
 * @return {FZP}
function loadFZPandSVGs(src, url = FritzingPartsAPI) {
  return loadFZP(src, url).then((fzp) => {
    return fzp.loadSVGs(`${url}/svg/core/`).then(() => {
      return fzp;

 * parse a fzp xml string
 * @param {String} data
 * @return {Promise}
function parseFZP(data) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    let fzp = new FZP();
    if (data) {
      parseXml(data, (err, xml) => {
        if (err) {
          return reject(err);

        fzp.moduleId = xml.module.$.moduleId;
        fzp.fritzingVersion = xml.module.$.fritzingVersion;
        if (xml.module.version) fzp.version = xml.module.version[0];
        if (xml.module.title) fzp.title = xml.module.title[0];
        if (xml.module.description) fzp.description = xml.module.description[0];
        if (xml.module.author) fzp.author = xml.module.author[0];
        if (xml.module.date) fzp.date = xml.module.date[0];
        if (xml.module.url) fzp.url = xml.module.url[0];
        if (xml.module.label) fzp.label = xml.module.label[0];
        if (xml.module.tags) fzp.tags = xml.module.tags[0].tag;
        if (xml.module.taxonomy) fzp.taxonomy = xml.module.taxonomy;
        if (xml.module.language) fzp.language = xml.module.language;
        if (xml.module.family) fzp.family = xml.module.family;
        if (xml.module.variant) fzp.variant = xml.module.variant;
        if (xml.module.properties) {
          fzp.properties = parseProperties(xml.module.properties[0].property);

        if (xml.module.views) {
          if (xml.module.views[0].iconView) {
            const iconViewLayer = xml.module.views[0].iconView[0].layers[0];
          if (xml.module.views[0].breadboardView) {
            const breadboardLayer = xml.module.views[0].breadboardView[0].layers[0];
          if (xml.module.views[0].pcbView) {
            const pcbViewLayer = xml.module.views[0].pcbView[0].layers[0];
            for (let iLayer = 0; iLayer < pcbViewLayer.layer.length; iLayer++) {
          if (xml.module.views[0].schematicView) {
            const schematicViewLayer = xml.module.views[0].schematicView[0].layers[0];

        if (xml.module.connectors) {
          if (xml.module.connectors[0].connector) {
            for (let i = 0; i < xml.module.connectors[0].connector.length; i++) {
              const connector = xml.module.connectors[0].connector[i];

              // create the connector for the three views.
              let c = new FZPConnector();
              c.id = connector.$.id;
              c.name = connector.$.name;
              c.type = connector.$.type;
              if (connector.description) {
                c.description = connector.description[0];

              if (connector.views[0].breadboardView) {
                c.views.breadboard = parseConnectorView(connector.views[0].breadboardView[0].p[0]);

              if (connector.views[0].schematicView) {
                c.views.schematic = parseConnectorView(connector.views[0].schematicView[0].p[0]);

              if (connector.views[0].pcbView) {
                for (let iPcb = 0; iPcb < connector.views[0].pcbView[0].p.length; iPcb++) {
                  switch (connector.views[0].pcbView[0].p[iPcb].$.layer) {
                    case 'copper0':
                    c.views.pcb.copper0 = parseConnectorView(connector.views[0].pcbView[0].p[iPcb]);
                    case 'copper1':
                    c.views.pcb.copper1 = parseConnectorView(connector.views[0].pcbView[0].p[iPcb]);

              fzp.connectors[c.id] = c;

        return resolve(fzp);

 * Get the parsed xml object and map to a proper structure
 * @param {String} xml
 * @return {Object}
function parseProperties(xml) {
  let data = {};
  // if (xml) {
  //   if (xml.length > 0) {
      for (let i = 0; i < xml.length; i++) {
        data[xml[i].$.name] = {
          value: xml[i]._,
          showInLabel: xml[i].$.showInLabel,
  //   }
  // }
  return data;

 * @param {Object} xml
 * @return {FZPConnectorView}
function parseConnectorView(xml) {
  let conView = new FZPConnectorView();
  conView.layer = xml.$.layer || null;
  conView.svgId = xml.$.svgId || null;
  conView.legId = xml.$.legId || null;
  conView.terminalId = xml.$.terminalId || null;
  return conView;

 * Create a xml string of a FZP instance.
 * @example
 * const {marshalToXML} = require('fzp-js')
 * const xmlData = FZPUtils.marshalToXML(fzp)
 * console.log(xmlData)
 * @param {FZP} fzp
 * @return {String}
function marshalToXML(fzp) {
  let builder = new xml2js.Builder();
  let data = {
    module: {
      $: {
        moduleId: fzp.moduleId,
        fritzingVersion: fzp.fritzingVersion,
      version: [fzp.version],
      title: [fzp.title],
      author: [fzp.author],
      label: [fzp.label],
      date: [fzp.date],
      tags: [{tag: fzp.tags}],
      // properties: fzp.properties,
      description: [fzp.description],
      views: [[{}]],
      connectors: [[{}]],
  // let data = {
  //   module: Object.assign({}, fzp),
  // };
  // data.module.$ = {
  // };
  // delete data.moduleId;
  // delete data.fritzingVersion;
  // data.module.tags =
  // if (data.module) {
  //   if (data.module.views) {
  //     if (data.module.icon) {
  //       delete data.module.views.icon.svg;
  //     }
  //     if (data.module.breadboard) {
  //       delete data.module.views.breadboard.svg;
  //     }
  //     if (data.module.schematic) {
  //       delete data.module.views.schematic.svg;
  //     }
  //     if (data.module.pcb) {
  //       delete data.module.views.pcb.svg;
  //     }
  //   }
  // }
  return builder.buildObject(data);

module.exports = {